Fashioandluxury, is a company that has been operating for years in the wholesale market and sells luxury shoes, handbags, accessories and clothing for men and women of the most prestigious haute couture signed made ​​in Italy.

Contact Us

Our Location

  • Fashionandluxury
  • Via Tagliamento n 10 Marmirolo Mantova
  • P. iva 02100850201
  • Email info@fashionandluxury.net

Ci troviamo a circa 150 km da Milano e a 25 km da Verona.

Ecco come raggiungerci:
- AEREOPORTI PIU' VICINI: Verona (Catullo) - Bergamo (Orial Serio)
- AUTOSTRADA: A22 "Brennero" - USCITA: Mantova nord

Per offrire un servizio qualitativamente elevato e dedicare ad ogni il cliente il tempo necessario, riceviamo solo su appuntamento.
I nostri uffici sono aperti dal Lunedì al Venerdì dalle ore 9.00 alle ore 13.00 e dalle ore 14.30 alle ore 18.30.
Il sabato e la domenica siamo perciò chiusi.

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  • Fashionandluxury
  • Via Tagliamento n 10 Marmirolo Mantova
  • P.iva 02100850201
  • Email info@fashionandluxury.net

Our company group

Fashionandstyle and stock wholesale clothing shoes handbags and designer accessories. Only Topbrands most exclusive sector of haute couture. Fashioandluxury, is a company that has been operating for years in the wholesale market and sells luxury shoes, handbags, accessories and clothing for men and women of the most prestigious haute couture signed made ​​in Italy.

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